Houston Texas’ legendary anarcho-thrashgrass-folk-punk quartet Days N Daze will make their Australian debut in December 2018.

Over the last two years Days N Daze have been headlining punk and folk-punk festivals across Europe and America, relentlessly touring with acts like Leftover Crack.

On their first ever trip to Australia they’ll perform nine shows in nine cities, including the third annual HOBOFOPO – 6-9th December, and Bribane Punkfest’s annual Xmas show on Sat 15th December, with a bunch of shows in between taking in major cities.


Whitney Flynn and Jesse Sendejas formed Days N Daze as a duo in 2008. Presently, the band includes bassist Geoff Bell and percussionist Meagan Melancon. They have released seven albums over ten years, including Rogue Taxidermy and Crustfall, both being staples of modern folk-punk fans.

Described as “riot folk” and “thrashgrass” their song themes run the gamut from the social (gang violence, terrorism, annihilation of the environment for corporate pocket-lining, the mundane and unavoidable anxieties of modern life) to the recreational (how the fuck did we end up in jail?).

Days N Daze embraces the D.I.Y. ethic recording, packaging and promoting its music independently. They are best known for is their live shows, which are energetic to the point of audience members stripping off clothes in ecstatic, music-induced jubilation (or, too much PBR).


Full tour dates are:

Thurs 6/12 – Adelaide, The Crown & Anchor Hotel

Fri 7/12 – Melbourne, The Reverence Hotel

Sat 8/12 – Hobart, HOBOFOPO folk punk orgy festival

Tues 11/12 – Canberra, Transit Bar

Wed 12/12 – Sydney, Lazybones Lounge

Thurs 13/12 – Newcastle, Hamilton Station Hotel

Fri 14/12 – Gold Coast, Vinnies Dive Bar

Sat 15/12 – Brisbane, Punkfest Xmas Bash @ The Zoo

Sun 16/12 – Byron Bay, The Rails


Tickets will go on sale 26th of September, through Oztix.